Saturday, September 27, 2008

when the bridge closes...well, we kiss

the bridge closed on us after lunch a few Sundays ago.....
so, we kissed!


Lizzy said...

soooo cute (and romantic!!!). luv u 2.

Chelsea and Jacquelyn said...

i would have loved to watch the people in line watching you. You guys r crazy!!!!!!! JKK

Anonymous said...

Very sweet picture! It was so nice to see you Sunday. After we went inside, I saw someone from behind who I thought was you. Same hair and same color shirt. Of course she was not you, and I made a complete fool of myself running up behind her babbling about how happy I was to be at church again. She turned around, I mumbled "hello" and took off.
Love you and talk to you soon!!

Nelly said...

linda you crack me up!!! in a good way!!

Elizabeth said...

You both are so cute! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog Nelly :)

I love reading about you and your sisters! You are all so much fun =)