Sunday, December 9, 2007

dork and dorkerer

well, here we are...awkward as was nerd day at enrichment, but jacquelyn and i didn't get the memo. Evidently, we thought it was bum day. needless to say, no one got near us! 

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thankful... looking back and now

More pictures of Ohio trip to come... but, since uploading pictures has been next to impossible, i thought I would write a few things I'm thankful for!

It's interesting and bittersweet to me how growing up just happens. One summer night, I'm a little girl in bed at 8:oo, looking out my bedside window and chatting with 'all the neighborhood kids who get to stay up and ride bikes in the circle street'. A few days later, it's 7:12 PM and my gold engagement and wedding rings clink as I'm typing on my blog while I should be rushing to the rescue of my poor neglected living room or scrubbing a greasy and awkward pile of pans and plates. (By the way, myboy is sound asleep on the couch:) I remember, bedtime was especially frustrating to me in the summer, and for many reasons. The number one reason was that the big sun took forever to fall. I mean, it was light till 9:00 PM or later. I wanted to play! Another reason was that once it did get dark, I would lay awake thinking about one of two things: playing "girls' camp" with Jacquelyn the next morning or thinking that there were Indians and coyotes in the neighborhood. I would often ask Lizzy (we shared a room at the time) if we could close the window to make me feel, we would...and I lay there sweating like a pig(Liz was too, I'm sure)...but, hey- at least the coyotes wouldn't get me! Sometimes, Liz would even let me sleep on the top bunk with her. We would talk a little while and scratch backs, then I would usually pick at the popcorn ceiling, always getting some in my eyes. Anyway, growing up happens much quicker than anyone imagines it could, and sadly, for some, growing up happens way too early!!! I am thankful for happy and silly memories such as these(I obviously did not grow up too quickly).I am thankful for a sister like Liz who was so accommodating, caring, and selfless with an annoying, curler-headed, and sleep-depriving sister such as I. I am thankful for a husband who loves to be my 'boy' and yet, is the best MAN of God. I am thankful for parents, sisters, brother :) who love each other no matter what. I am thankful for The Word that teaches me to still have 'faith like a child'. And, I am thankful for a Father in Heaven who watches over my soul from the real wild "coyotes" in my life: you know, those things that seek to whittle and weigh us down with fear. Well, like I said...I should be doing other things, because right now, Myboy and the Christmas tree are the ONLY things nice to look at! 

Monday, November 26, 2007

Ohio Trip- part uno

Whether sleeping, carsick, groggy, frantic to "stop the car!" for a good picture, exiting for yet another starbucks (or 'dingleberries'), eating kate's delish wraps on the edge of a rusty coal-mining town, throwing rocks at coalbarges, or feeding a stray kitty...or listening to the same book on cd all the way there and most of the way back...Th roadtrip was so much fun. Thanks Clay and Kate for putting up with us and letting us use your car!!!  

Clay: "none of that!" (Jord and Nel kissing)
Kate and J'Nelle (at the same time): "i'd rather not stop at subway to go to the restroom, because I feel bad not buying anything...over there is an Exxon, go to Exxon!"
The dumbfounded boys:"you'd rather go to a gas station than a clean bathroom?!...whatever you say!"

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Dinner and an EP

Hello All - Tonight nelly and i ate chicken caesar and listened to the new "Fall" EP by jON fOREMAN. Our favorites are "Southbound Train" and "My Love Goes Free". I will try to put one of the songs on here,  you all should check it out. As Usual the din was delicious. Nate, Sorry about lettin you down. Read scripture it will pick you up!!

Before and After: From Ugly to Pretty

Here is a creation or rather renovation that Nelly and Katy worked on a few weeks ago.  I'll be honest when Nelly first started this project I didn't think it would work out, but it did!  Also here are some sketches that she wanted me to post because she thought they were wicked awesome! (Just kittin'.)  I will soon put up a picture of my lip after the football collision!


Hello All - We can't post any dang pictures on this here blawk. Sooo when you see knew pictures, that means we posted some nu pictures

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


It was our best attempt!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

After the Harvest Party

Nale this ones for you a picture of me (and the hotty).  Nelly and I went to a Harvest Party at Dave and Jessica Rocket's house.  We had a great time hangin' out with friends!  They had dark chocolate for the s'mores.

The Best Meal in the World

Ladies and Nale, my wife is the best cook that God has ever created!  Sorry ladies its a fact that must be stated.  This dinner is one she whipped up after work.  It is just a sample of the wonderful meals i have enjoyed!  The burgers were great and the fries kicked butt! She made up this great seasoning and cooked them to the perfect crisp.  So take a look and just dream what it tastes like.  The fries are awesome but she can't give the secret recipe away.  Nate get a wife!

Friday, September 28, 2007

honeymoon in Naples, FL

The Magnificent Banyan tree.

God took his time decorating Florida

Our fave

looking out at the gulf
our porch where we ate breakfast every morning

me and my wicked-hot boy

looking out from our balcony... literally stairsteps away from the ocean
(more to come!!)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Color of Love

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes...a blog! Here begins my blogging career. It will be fun to post pictures of me and myboy and tell you things about our extremely exciting life. :) Hope you enjoy your visits to my blog!