Tuesday, July 29, 2008


myboy and i have been married one whole year!!it was the best year of my life, and went so fast... here's how we celebrated!
The festivities began Thursday night when we ate one of our fave meals together... chicken Marsala and mashed potatoes! MMM! Friday morning we had a yummy breakfast together, and chewed our fave gum that we chewed on our honeymoon. We worked 1/2 a day (thanks boss!!!),Jord surprised me with my fave...lemonade! then headed home to get our things together for the beach! here's where it gets interesting...(jord had asked me what I wanted to do for our Anni so, I had told him I wanted adventure and PF Changs:)... He told me to pack whatever I wanted to wear to dinner, like some make up and hair stuff...and we were off!!! while we laid out on the beach, jord told me we could change in this family bathroom on floor 9 of some hotel... he kept telling me "you said you wanted 'adventure'"...so, I didn't buck the plan, just smiled nervously and kept laughing at the thought of us washing off our oil with a boardwalk shower, then lugging my hair straightener, high heels and everything up to a random bathroom and try to look decent for dinner...so, as we headed to a REALLY NICE hotel with our stuff, I was gettin nervous, "Jord, let's go to 7-eleven!!!Please!!!!! how are we gonna get past the guys at the door?? i feel like we're gonna get caught or something!"...I had Kate's floppy straw hat hanging way low over my eyes so i didn't have to look people in the eye...then we got to floor 9.........and Jord pulls out a key to room 908!!!! can you beleive it! I was SHOCKED!!!!!!! he had this whole thing planned! the room was perfect and cheerful! our view of the beach was so fantastic that it didn't feel like we were at home! we got all ready, and he told me that there was another adventure! YAY...he led me to the boardwalk....it felt like he was gonna propose to me again or something :) and shocked me again with a pair of beach cruisers!!! we love to ride bikes together! Then we went to dinner MMMMM! then rode bikes on the boardwalk till really late!!! It was such a fun and romantic getaway! 

our bikes are on the left

our fortunes

my hot  boy

Thank you cutie, for your thoughtfulness on our anniversary. It was the best! Most of all thank you for your faithful friendship, zealous love, passion for God, humble leadership and for providing for us so well!! I am so thankful to God for allowing us to be married one whole year so far and for His provision for this weekend. His Grace is amazing! I look forward to years more of anniversaries and adventures:) ....and thanks to "everyone" who helped make our adventure very special;)


Bekah said...

Happy Anniversary Jord and Nellie! Looks like a wonderful and fun adventure! Love you guys!

Kate Van said...

OOH SO SWEET! I am very thankful for your 'boy' - he is a treasure and you treat him with amazing love and care. Great drawing Nel!

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary guys! Can't believe it has been a whole year! It sounds like such a wonderful way to spend your anniversary, especially your first. So happy for you both and I'll be praying that all the rest of your anniversaries will be just as special. J'Nelle, your husband seems so thoughtful and loving. You both look so happy and totally in love, just as it should be! Now that I know you like P.F Chang's, maybe we can all go together in the future. Billy and I would love to get to know Jordan better. Love you friend!!!!!

Ginger said...

your love for each other is beautiful! happy 1 year!

abbey said...

Nel, looks like so much fun! Glad you had a great anniversary..and hope your birthday was great too! love you and thankful for you :)

The Smith Family said...

Nel is the picture you drew from Sal's wedding...he looks so cute. Great Job! ...How did your bikes get to the beach? :)
Love you sis,

The Smith Family said...

Nel is the picture you drew from Sal's wedding...he looks so cute. Great Job! ...How did your bikes get to the beach? :)
Love you sis,

Cam said...

you guys are so precious and Nel you are absolutely gorgeous! i love seeing updates on your life that is happening too far away from me! love you so and happy anniversary (a little late) :)


Jessica Rockey said...

Happy Ann. guys! Wow, the best year of your life?! What a blessing! Our first year was very trying , but our second year has been wonderful. Funny?! We're glad to call you friends... I pray for many blessings as you begin year number 2! Love you both!