More pictures of Ohio trip to come... but, since uploading pictures has been next to impossible, i thought I would write a few things I'm thankful for!
It's interesting and bittersweet to me how growing up just happens. One summer night, I'm a little girl in bed at 8:oo, looking out my bedside window and chatting with 'all the neighborhood kids who get to stay up and ride bikes in the circle street'. A few days later, it's 7:12 PM and my gold engagement and wedding rings clink as I'm typing on my blog while I should be rushing to the rescue of my poor neglected living room or scrubbing a greasy and awkward pile of pans and plates. (By the way, myboy is sound asleep on the couch:) I remember, bedtime was especially frustrating to me in the summer, and for many reasons. The number one reason was that the big sun took forever to fall. I mean, it was light till 9:00 PM or later. I wanted to play! Another reason was that once it did get dark, I would lay awake thinking about one of two things: playing "girls' camp" with Jacquelyn the next morning or thinking that there were Indians and coyotes in the neighborhood. I would often ask Lizzy (we shared a room at the time) if we could close the window to make me feel, we would...and I lay there sweating like a pig(Liz was too, I'm sure)...but, hey- at least the coyotes wouldn't get me! Sometimes, Liz would even let me sleep on the top bunk with her. We would talk a little while and scratch backs, then I would usually pick at the popcorn ceiling, always getting some in my eyes. Anyway, growing up happens much quicker than anyone imagines it could, and sadly, for some, growing up happens way too early!!! I am thankful for happy and silly memories such as these(I obviously did not grow up too quickly).I am thankful for a sister like Liz who was so accommodating, caring, and selfless with an annoying, curler-headed, and sleep-depriving sister such as I. I am thankful for a husband who loves to be my 'boy' and yet, is the best MAN of God. I am thankful for parents, sisters, brother :) who love each other no matter what. I am thankful for The Word that teaches me to still have 'faith like a child'. And, I am thankful for a Father in Heaven who watches over my soul from the real wild "coyotes" in my life: you know, those things that seek to whittle and weigh us down with fear. Well, like I said...I should be doing other things, because right now, Myboy and the Christmas tree are the ONLY things nice to look at!