Monday, June 2, 2008

I will set before my eyes no vile thing...

Here's the true test: can you walk away from a movie or a tv show actually and honestly thanking God for what you have just viewed??? 
I just finished a chapter in the book Not Even A Hint by Joshua Harris entitled "Half A Poison Pill Won't Kill You" (How Do I Cope With The Temptations Of The Media?) Jord had encouraged me to read it, and I would encourage you adults to also read it for yourself.
The chapter was refreshing, convicting, and prompting! Here's my trouble: I'd like to answer that agitating question without a moment's thought -purely and honestly- "Yes!"...but, i don't think i could, in full faith! Why? Because I am a sinner (saved by Jesus). And this sinner (saved by Jesus) makes choices to listen to the Spirit's voice or to my own sinful desires... and those choices, when not informed by and submitted under God's word, bring consequences. Here are some quotes from the book about media that i found very insightful and helpful:

"Television and films stir up feelings and emotions that bypass our minds and go straight for our affections. The incredible power of media is that it can make something evil look good or exciting without appearing to make any argument at all" (p.118)


"No rating system based on content can replace a heart that wants to please God. If we're to honor God with our entertainment choices, we must be willing to carefully evaluate how what we watch affects our love for God" (p.119)

and again...

"Take this rule:Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes off the relish of spiritual things, in short, whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may be in itself." (p.120- John Wesley's mother wrote this describing sin to him.)


"and if we're the only people in the world who don't see the latest summer blockbuster movie, we'll be alright" (p.125)
"The only thing that's essential is walking with God and pleasing Him".

I am excited to take all this in and apply it to my own life, i have so much to learn!!! And I  hope what I have shared encourages you in your striving to please God and to walk in His wisdom, and deepens your love for our Savior who came to save us from sin... which is crafty enough to masquerade as good, bright and beautiful.

Here are some tools that Jord and I wish to keep close and have found helpful when we are considering viewing (primarily) movies, but these apply to tv too...

#1 God's word: Psalm 101:26
"I will set before my eyes no vile thing"

#2 God's word...okay, we get it!

#3 friends'/family's advice not to watch something

#4 Chapter 7 from Not Even a Hint

(Excellent, descriptive reviews on movies)

#6 God's word




Ginger said...

wonderful post girl! thanks for your humility and wanting to serve your readers.

The Smith Family said...

another provoking post Nelly girl. and thanks again for saying yes to my are a treasure to him and to us!
Love you,
Mom Smith

Lizzy said...

wow!! thanks, Nell! you truly have a gift to communicate truth to your readers in such a creative, eloquent, GRACE-filled way! I love you!! xoxoxo